

Low Carbon Economoy

In the last years, a new wave of environment-oriented legislation (sustainability) – in particular in the developed and emergent economies – gradually placed the “carbon footprint” concept in the center of climate change equation.

As a result, companies are facing a new social and economic reality, that requires the need to measure, manage, allocate and reduce their carbon footprint in order to remain competitive on the market from the key stakeholders’ perspective (clients, financers, business partners, employees, authorities, etc.).

We are calling this new reality the LOW CARBON ECONOMY, that generates a tri-dimensional effect, with new needs, markets, demands and offers under development:

The Value Chain Effect

As part of the value chain, each company is at the same time a supplier and a client for other companies. As a consequence, companies must calculate and allocate their carbon footprint on their activities, processes, final products and services, to be able to communicate this information to partners in the value chain. This is not an easy task and requires a process-oriented approach that Axiobit can help with.

  • Allocation of emissions per product
  • Emissions labeling (CO2e)

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The Compliance Effect

The immediate and most visible effect of the sustainability-oriented legislation is the obligation to comply with all the additional requirements stemming from the law, most of them referring to transparency and the double accountability regarding the business’ impact on environment and society on one hand, and of the sustainability aspects on the business, on the other. Compliance reporting is difficult because of data challenges and is also one of Axiobit core services, supported by our digital, A.I.-enabled architecture.

  • Double materiality
  • CSRD/ESRS Reporting
  • EU Taxonomy

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The Decarbonization Effect

The decarbonization effect is a natural consequence of the other two effects. Both the legislation and the partners in the value chain that must comply with the same legal requirements, are putting pressure on companies to actively pursue ambitious decarbonization targets. There are many generic or industry-specific instruments and approaches that companies can engage for this purpose, and Axiobit is prepared to make this journey easy and profitable.

  • Decarbonization projects
  • Carbon Credit Issuance
  • Carbon Credit Trading (i.e. EU ETS, Tokenization)

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