Axiobit is a Digital Transformation agency providing training, consulting and software development services
for companies looking to transition towards
sustainable business models.
Businesses require high-quality, fast data to make good decisions. This is why we have developed A.I. engines for multiple use-cases such as: capturing and validation of data, mapping, matching and association of different variables, determining correlations between separate variables, forecast generating.
EmissionX solution helps companies calculate and report GHG emissions in accordance to GHG Protocol and applicable European standards (CSRD / EFRAG). The list of supported KPIs is continuously updated and can be customized at client level.
The flexible data architecture supports different certified methodologies of emissions accounting and reporting. The Sustainability Accounting Module of EmissionX allows the definition and allocation of emissions at process level, making it possible to calculate the carbon print of individual products and services.
In the Strategic Management module companies can define ESG performance indicators and determine correlations between input and output indicators with the help of our A.I. engine. EmissionX helps companies define the 2030 and 2050 decarbonization targets, based on their real time, actual data.
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