Digital Transformation  Roadmap & Structures

We have seen many companies struggling with a long list of never-ending IT projects in various stages of development. Digital Transformation may be an imperative, but it is not an easy journey; it feels overwhelming for both managers and employees, as these efforts add-up on top of their daily tasks.

At Axiobit we have developed a lean approach to define an optimal Digital Transformation Roadmap and a set of instruments with the following benefits:

+ 1 %

Return of investment higher than 250%

Asset 1


Faster evolution to the next digital maturity stage
+ 1 %

25% Growth of customer satisfaction rates


Happier and more engaged staff & management


Higher company profile on the market


1.Assessment of the current situation

3.Definition of projects & Initiatives

5.Corporate Innovation Accelerator

2.Governance Model Setup


Objectives may sound similar when it comes to digital transformation, but individual businesses' situations and contexts are significantly different.

Our assessment of the current situation is critical in defining a realistic road-map and it considers all relevant factors, internal and external, such as the company’s strategy, resources, culture and digital maturity, among other.


Assessment of the current situation​


Governance Model Setup

The decision-making rules and mechanisms are fundamental to the success of digital transformation program.

Unless they are properly set and anchored in the overall company logic, the projects are destined to fail from the start. We help you recognize and remove organizational barriers and define highly functional structures and rules.

A common mistake is to label every initiative as critical or highly important; thus quickly reaching bottle-necks of human and financial resources.

Based on our Digital Essentials Matrix (DEM©) and other methodologies such as BPM and design thinking, we can quickly identify highest impact areas and ensure effective definition of initiatives that really support the strategic business objectives.


Definition of projects and initiatives​



In this last step, we apply Axiobit’s demonstrated algorithm for prioritization to ensure that truly critical projects are placed first.

Among the criteria employed, we look at the relation with the strategic objectives and at other relevant inter-dependencies. The result is a much more realistic calendar that delivers the expected results within the targeted budget and time-frame.

We recommend modern constructs to manage the process of validation digital projects and initiatives.

Defining and harmonizing such construct with the rest of the organization is a real challenge. For this purpose, at Axiobit we have developed not only a personalized method to manage its definition & set-up journey, but also a unique Platform for Accelerating Innovation through Digital (“PAID”), that runs the entire innovation acceleration process, from capturing of ideas to approval of digital projects implementation.


Corporate Innovation Accelerator​

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