Processes are THE critical differentiator when it comes to success. They are the lived truth – what companies do, as opposed to what they say; they are the place where business value is created. Effective and efficient processes generate amazing competitive advantages, while automation can boost them exponentially.
Whether your challenge resides in supply chain, financial and back-office processes or in sales and customer care, we can help you achieve the next performance leap.
To manage complex digital transformation and innovation in process design we have developed a proprietary methodology called the Methodology of Convergence, which is a multidisciplinary approach centered around creating significant performance leaps.
We use a multidisciplinary set of graphical tools to capture needs and to describe the new concept, the user journeys and the applicable rules. This approach much friendlier for business users and able to increase their satisfaction up to 75%; as a result, the validation duration has decreased by more than 30%.